Mesh Mashup: Refinement ("Soul transfer")
"Soul transfer" "Soul transfer" is a piece that is a representation of the ideas of life, death, and reincarnation. The skull represents death and past life, On the other hand, the head represents life itself and in turn, new life. What blends these 2 things together is the liquid pouring from the eyes of the skull into the head; a movement from the past life to the new, the 'soul' if you will. The black and the white contrast between the liquid pouring is the bad and the good that was done in the past life moving on into the new life. It is a look at the concept of karma but also the balance of yin and yang. The gold liquid in the head represents the purity that occurs when you blend good and bad as all people are born pure, but not perfect. I used 3 objects from Thingiverse to create this piece, this is what they looked like on the website: Critique response: When doing the critique, the work that the majority of people chose as the most interesting for ...