
Showing posts from October, 2022

Reverse engineered object: Update 1

  For my first update I decided to tackle the bottom lid and the bottle itself. I was unable to finish the bottle but the bottom lid came to become very polished! The lid: The bottom lid has an inner metal cylinder in it that I thought would give me problems, but my caliper fit perfectly into it so I was able to get all the measurements.  The inner cylinder. Final without spiral for the twist. The bottle: The bottle is tricky for me. So While I was able to create the 3 components of the top small opening, the body and the bottom opening, putting them together was something I couldn't figure out how to do. The bottle has a big curve connecting the top opening and a more subtle one on the bottom. I have no clue where to start to measure or how to create said connecting curves.  Things I will need to make still: - the textured rubber - The top lid -The rubber band - the spirals on the inside and outside - the curves connecting the body of the bottle togeter

Reverse engineered object: Nigora may be creating, but she has run into a crisis!

  For this week we are progressing in the creation of our reverse engineered objects. Last class I ended up sick and not attending, this as well as a blend of my other class loads has caused me to delay my progress and I have unfortunately ran into some precarious things!  Allow me to set the scene! I had started with the inner tea strainer of the water bottle I chose to do for this project and the base was going smoothly.  First I created circles for the base and the overhang. Then it was just an extrude for the base and an extrude for the top.  With a bit of boolean split and a little rotation I had the skeleton of the tea strainer ready!  And so, the problems began!  I realized something very very anxiety and fear inducing on this endeavor there are a billion holes in this thing! And then I looked at the other components and found that there were parts of it I could not reach with the digital caliper and that I could not take apart from the pieces themse...

Reverse Engineer object: Selection

For this week we are selecting the objects we plan in reverse engineering and recreating in Rhino 3D! I found myself lost with this selection as it turns out, simple but complex objects were very uncommon in my household. I did however find some I think will workout for this milestone project!  The first item I found was this paper towel holder: I found however that this object is too simple for this 3 week project.  My next choice was this pen: I did find that measuring it would be hard though due to its small size and tiny parts, like the spring. For my final object, I chose a water bottle with a tea strainer in it! This is my choice for this project as the pieces are a comfortable size and it is complex enough due to its shape to be a worth while object to create in Rhino 3D. I think this will also help me to expand on my skills and rendering capabilities within the program as well!  Wish me luck!