Reverse engineered object: Nigora may be creating, but she has run into a crisis!


For this week we are progressing in the creation of our reverse engineered objects. Last class I ended up sick and not attending, this as well as a blend of my other class loads has caused me to delay my progress and I have unfortunately ran into some precarious things! 

Allow me to set the scene! I had started with the inner tea strainer of the water bottle I chose to do for this project and the base was going smoothly. 

First I created circles for the base and the overhang.

Then it was just an extrude for the base

and an extrude for the top. 

With a bit of boolean split and a little rotation

I had the skeleton of the tea strainer ready! 

And so, the problems began! 

I realized something very very anxiety and fear inducing on this endeavor there are a billion holes in this thing! And then I looked at the other components and found that there were parts of it I could not reach with the digital caliper and that I could not take apart from the pieces themselves. 

And so I have not been able to figure out if I should continue with this object or go back and try another one... Wish me luck and many more confused hours! Hopefully I can fix this crisis soon! For now, we just keep on going!


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