Reverse Engineer object: Selection

For this week we are selecting the objects we plan in reverse engineering and recreating in Rhino 3D! I found myself lost with this selection as it turns out, simple but complex objects were very uncommon in my household. I did however find some I think will workout for this milestone project! 

The first item I found was this paper towel holder:

I found however that this object is too simple for this 3 week project. 

My next choice was this pen:

I did find that measuring it would be hard though due to its small size and tiny parts, like the spring.

For my final object, I chose a water bottle with a tea strainer in it!

This is my choice for this project as the pieces are a comfortable size and it is complex enough due to its shape to be a worth while object to create in Rhino 3D. I think this will also help me to expand on my skills and rendering capabilities within the program as well! 

Wish me luck!


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